Friday, May 31, 2024

Finish One Project, Start Another, Followed by a Second & Third, Knowing It's Time to Start Thinking about Project Four and Five for the Fall


It's me, I'm.....I'm the problem, it's me.

That probably is the first, and the last, reference to Taylor Swift on my blogs, but I admit I'm singing more often than not these days. It's not that Kwame Alexander influenced me to always be a "yes" believer, it's that the two of us have figured it out...and it words. Of course, he's sitting much prettier than I do these days, but I have the same vision for readers and writers across the United States.

I met with the Westport Library people yesterday to begin dreaming StoryFest '24 and I love all they have in place, and am now curious how to help, assist, and bring in more writers, teachers, and students. I have a plan. I love the visionaries at Westport Library, and I see us continuing an ongoing celebration of authors in southern Connecticut, especially in relations to K-12 education. We shall see what comes of it, but I am excited.

I did a lot of trim work around the yard last night, not wanting to process the world until I'm ready to. I also delivered items to school around southern Connecticut, got a haircut, graded, and ate leftovers. It's amazing how much gets done when one doesn't have to be in person to teach or on campus to attend meetings. It's bliss, actually.

Ah, but it's Friday and I'm sure we're all thanking God for the weekend. I'm hoping for a slow, uneventful occasion as it's been an insane of today, Fairfield University are off-contract for the summer months. I still continue with National Writing Project work, but it means the faculty emails slow down 99%. I look forward to the serenity.

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