Thursday, May 30, 2024

They Kept It Really Subdued. A Quiet Night on Mt. Pleasant with Michelle and Jessy (Which is Definitely NOT Normal)

I know when the ladies want to get together it usually means chaos, laughter, much wine, and absolute need to go crazy. We've done this at my house many times, and I simply learn to be patient as the booze does it things and wears off. I cook. They salsa. And we talk....a lot.

I love ever second of it.

Last night, I got the house ready for a back patio barbecue, but they came in subdued attire and mood. A couple glasses of wine, no dancing (except Michelle's Alvin Alley routine)(and wig...and wig), and a great meal. When they left by 9 pm I was like, "Bonus. I can't watch t.v. and fall asleep without having to stay up until 3 a.m."

Perhaps we're all getting old. 

Of course, we were trying to keep Karal from jumping on Michelle, too, because she goes insane when Michelle comes over. 

Chicken, rice, grilled vegetables (incredible mushrooms), and brownies for dessert...the kind of evening that can't be had when the semester is in full toll. Ah, but summer is here and we have opportunity to meet up, laugh, and look ahead.

Not a bad Wednesday at all. And $35 for 3 people to eat is much better than $130 if we went out. Besides, I love cooking.

And with that...back to the grind.

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