In the evening, it was a night of pot roast and gin rummy, which I haven't played in a long, long time. Actually stayed out until 9 p.m. and I was sure my carriage would turn back to a pumpkin.
This morning, it is the undergraduate graduation on Bellarmine Lawn, and a wonderful day for families, celebrations, and achievements. To be honest, I'm exhausted and have selected not to go. I simply need a mental day of rest.
More gray in the sky, but no precipitation, which is nice.
Funny how commencements are a lifestyle at this point, from high school to graduate school, always a routine in the spring at the time of exhaustion...all for the next generation, and for many, an achievement that culminates with the specialized degree.
Closer to Fine for most. Happy Sunday. May you all get the rest you need.
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