Thursday, May 23, 2024

Highlight of Yesterday, Finally Got to Meet Miss Piper-Doo, Beth & Dan's New Dog & Wood Sprite

I've never met a quieter dog. She's dainty, curious, but absolutely hushed. She moves with grace, makes no noise, and doesn't even make a peep. She's the Pied Piper of Silence, and absolutely adorable. Little Miss Butterfly ears...a Papilion. Too sprite-like for words. 

Beth gave me the special treat by brining out her carrot garden. She hides treats inside different carrot and Piper pulls them out one by one looking for those with treats. It's precious.

Thankful for Dan for picking up a pie and happy I stopped to get Italian ice. One more day of pulling everything together for Friday's conference and I know I am getting there slowly but surely. I pick up Ger today at 4, as he's arriving from DC. 

My psoriasis are out of control (spots on fire), but I can't get in until the end of June. Must be everyone is having flairs. I alway know when my stress level is a little too high, as my legs catch on fire. 

Still I walk. Still I keep the pace. Still I do what I can for teachers and K-12 kids. 

Today, I finish up the consecration, need to get that printed out, pick up more books, and make sure everything is set to go so that Friday goes smoothly (which is always a crazy mess with buses from the different districts. 

All we can do is hope. And love. And work hard for others. And go to the carrot garden to find just the right one for a treat. 

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