Monday, May 6, 2024

Year 13 of Hosting a Celebration of Teachers and Teaching at Fairfield University. Tonight, We Applaud Our Student Teachers

As a newbie...a fledgling...the University asked me to help assist the Celebration of Teachers and Teaching with a few senior colleagues. One by one, they've each retired without being replaced, and I've kept the tradition alive. Our students spend a semester in the field, contend with supervision, graduate classes, and more recently EdTPA, and return at the end for next steps in certification and a Capstone project. It is our opportunity to applaud their hard work, the labor of the supervisors, and the graciousness of the hosting schools. 

We are going forward with this tonight and I'm super happy to have Dr. Michelle Farrell to open the ceremony with a teaching talk. I also am thrilled to debut cupcakes from Sonia's. a local bakery that I love to support whenever I can...who doesn't love gourmet cupcakes?

The students will then have two more weeks to recover before the last class which is to get everything ready for the job market. 

Ah, but tonight we have cake (and if you want a story behind this blog post that is a story of everything I know to be true about this tradition and its support for our students feel free to give me a call. The behind the scenes stories are always more fun.

Cold and rainy in Connecticut. Many errands to run today and then there's the grading...always always looming in the background. It's Monday y'all. That's the way it always goes.

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