Tuesday, April 30, 2024

The 29th Poem in a 30 Day #VerseLove '24 Challenge. There's a First Time for Everything. What's That Poetic Story

Yesterday's Monday felt like several weeks compressed into a single day and somehow I survived. Thankful to Dave & Kris feeding me after teaching the last class and the anarchy of uploading EdTPA materials to Pearson. If anyone wants to see the anarchy and sadness of what we do to pre-service teachers should bear witness to this kerfuffle. It is something. 

I went a little e.e. cummings in my response and decided less is more. I got a poem into the universe and that is all that matters. Happy Tuesday and end to April. Bring not he May flowers.

Monday, April 29, 2024

Poem 28, Day 29, #VerseLove '24. The Assignment? Write a Strikethrough Poem with Deletions That Are Part of the Story

Sunday peeved me off. I bought two new Adirondack chairs to replace the ones that rotted after the first year I bought them. Of course, when I opened the boxes of the new ones, one was shipped with broken parts and the 2nd one, upon assembly, had bolts that broke in the final stages. Needless to say, they've both been returned and I got my money back.

I can't, however, get my time back. It's so frustrating. And I've seen it with a lot of do-it-yourself kids. The screws and nuts they send are like kid toys. they break and are super cheap. Nothing is made like it used to be and I want my chairs to sit around a fire. Big Blue Smurfette Tears. It's just annoying.

Anyway, two more days of poems then back to Bryan's regular clucking. I love the Month of April, but I imagine it isn't everyone's favorite posts. 

Sunday, April 28, 2024

We're Getting Closer to 30. Poem #27, #VerseLove '24. Mini-Rant Poems, Preferably on a Teaching/Education Bugaboo (Well, That's Easy)

I intended my Saturday to be grading, grading, grading. But I mowed the lawn. I picked up books in New Haven, as well as dropped off some to teachers. I got groceries I needed and responded to email. And I stopped to get other items that have been on my radar. The eating was horrible, the allergies are obnoxious, and a neighbor's house burned down. It was not the day I expected. I didn't know the people - a street over, but the black smoke billowed into all our windows. Not fun at all and it simply triggers worry and sadness. 

The poem was written from a series of emails I was cc'd on where teachers in Bridgeport had to give practice tests in English to prepare students for the State tests in English, even as their students are just learning English. Many districts are policed to test kids in order to prepare kids for later tests of kids, so the only instruction they receive all year is how to take tests, when there are no math or English lessons to actually help kids to learn skills they need. To observe schools is to bear witness to absolute insanity. Teachers lose. Kids lose. And the results always show us what we already knew in the first place. It's simply bonkers. The poorer the district, the more inane the practices pushed down by administrations. 

So, a poem. And a Sunday for more grading. 

Saturday, April 27, 2024

Poem 26, #VerseLove24, "Write Poetic Advice for a Poster to Hang in My Room" - a Wonderful Prompt from Oklahoma's Scott (what a teacher!)

I've never wanted a weekend to let my brain go free more than this weekend. I'm fried, y'all, but I finished the week doing Scott's prompt on #VerseLove - he wanted a poem for his students to think about and I thought about the one sign I have in my house - an Emerson quote for living life with joy. I thought about car rides with Pam and all the times we say things and immediately thing we shouldn't have said that. But then, as the prompt comes my way, I see a post of two road signs in some small town in NY (which I created here). Wola! I have material for a poem. The actual sign in this town is funnier, because it's a crematorium with an arrow pointing left, with the advertisement for McDonalds at a bus stop. 

It's supposed to be gray, rainy, and cold, so I have the weekend to grade (and for that I'm thankful. It's been a year for sure. There are times when I simply don't know how I'm still standing. But I stand, because I keep my sense of humor and have friends who do the same. Here's to the weekend.

Friday, April 26, 2024

More than the "Where I'm From" Prompt Into the "Where I Once Was" with a Twist on a Filmic or Character Influence - #VerseLove '24, Poem 25

Has it really been 25 days of poetry? Ah, April. How quickly the time flies by (must be having fun). Actually, as this post goes up I'm participating in a rather big interview in the whirlwind of the Great Whatever. Allergy season is upon us. I'm sneezing, and I really need to mow the lawn (and take a nap). The goal is to work from home today and to get writing projects accomplished (although I am likely to procrastinate with grading). 

Five more days of #VerseLove and then I'll return to the regular scheduled blogging. Yesterday was spend with the University's Research Symposium, research talks of job candidates, and a fantastic dinner with our Corrigan and Humanities Scholars (love having time with Dr. Beth Boquet). 

I'm not sure how well the poem will resonate, but for me...at that moment in time, this was a moment for everything.

Thursday, April 25, 2024

On the 24th Day of #VerseLove @dogtrax Prompted Us Upward, Towards Constellation (a Fun, Magical Prompt that Makes Poetic Challenges Magical)

 It's Thursday. I'm proud to bring a student research to an academic symposium where he is displaying year one of a two-year study I'm fortunate to mentor. I look forward to the logic, sincerity, rigor, and professionalism of his work, as a way to counter the crazy insanity of all that was experienced this week. I know that Higher Education is its own monster, but sometimes I'm can't comprehend the double-speak.

The symposium, however, is the real deal...an investment in scholarship, research, hard work, data collection, delivery, and pushing the field forward. I also provided cake #2 in my graduate courses and had a wonderful last class. The students win me over every time. The profession. The dedication of many to promote literacy, education, best practices for teaching, and professional leadership. It exists in some communities, and I'm proud to be part of that work. 

Meanwhile, a poem. I'm an Aquarius. I love lunar moths and the possibility of a Star Wars galaxy. I couldn't help but get nerdy, so I did. I'm thankful to Kevin (my Massachusetts friend) for his brilliant prompt. And with that, a poem.

Wednesday, April 24, 2024

Day #23...Celebrating the April Showers for the May Flowers to Come. A Morning Voice Message Launched Me Into a Parallel, yet More Critical Direction

I can tell it's the end of the semester, because I'm going full speed and simply needing toothpicks to hold my eyes open and my body standing upright. Two more classes to teach this semester. Two more. It feels like teaching high school all over again...go, go, go.

But the poetry grounds me and I am thankful for it. Another cake came out of the oven last night. If it brings joy, then it's all good. Meanwhile, another news cycle rolls, history continues, and I'll take what ever privileges come my way and try to do good with them. 

Tuesday, April 23, 2024

Day 22 - Earth Day on #VerseLove '24. Prompted to Look to the Earth for a Poem, but My Dentist Had Other Plans (These Teeth, I Tell You)

I am hoping I was earthly enough in my writing, channeling the story of the man who studies badgers by digging dirt and making tunnels with his teeth. It seemed like the perfect NPR story to parallel with dental dilemmas (and the Earth). 

It's Tuesday, and because it is the last class with undergraduates for the semester, it also means Crandall cake, so I'm baking before class before we finish it off for the semester. They've really pulled through in the end, but I wasn't sure the majority were going to make it. The obstacles of the real world are heavy, indeed. 

On a good front, my first semester pay-increase will come in handy to pay for my mouth. Dentistry is the world's biggest hustle. 

Monday, April 22, 2024

Day 21 with @Joyteamstars, #VerseLove '24, Being Brought into the Kitchen to Find the Words that Will Meet Us There

 I wish I could say I was a better chef yesterday, but I only baked a Trader Joe's burrito, while recalling three meals I regularly contribute from our Mt. Pleasant kitchen: The Crandall special, care of the boys, the Kentucky cake, care of Alice, and my Easter carrot traditions. Knowing I was writing for Stacey Joy (who lives and her teaches everything with her last name at the center), I channeled her prompt to write for her. The Mandingo words are from Liberia - words for vegetables, prayer, chicken, sauce, and rice contributed by the twins who were central to a dish that became a staple in my home.

It's Monday, the work ahead is impossible, and I get to spend my mourning in a dentist chair so my earnings can be traded for crown-recovery and repair (two teeth). I will go to my grave saying, "My mouth is worth more than I'll ever be," probably because of my eating habits (ha ha). There are too many cooks in this kitchen and, I know, I am a better man because of this.

Sunday, April 21, 2024

Notes Passed Along the Way, #VerseLove '24 Morning Prompt - Day 20, To Recall Those Notes...Those Letters...Those Memories.

I had to run upstairs and go through drawers...not only do I have boxes of notes and letters saved over the years, but I also have the books that my first pen pal and I used to keep after writing to one another for over 20 years. Sadly, the tradition ended in our 30s and 40s, and the last time we were in touch is when we went to a Women's basketball game at the Syracuse Dome with her mom. They were moving out west and saying goodbye to their Adams, NY home. 

I often give Sara full credit for making me the writer I am. I always read her letters mailed to me with absolute awe. Her mind was a good 20 years ahead of my own and she was outside the box before I even understood what boxes were. Definitely an ordinal who intrigued my mind, soul, and wonder of the world. Anyway, I pulled out some of the books and pulled lines to write a poem. I suppose it is time to put words back to the page and do an ol' fashioned mailing.

Saturday, April 20, 2024

Day 19, #VerseLove, Inspiration – Deibide Baise Fri Toin, a Poem with a 3 - 7 - 7 - 1 Beat (and I Stuck with the Irish Motif)

Happy Saturday, and much joy for poetic communities playing the April game. It's been a whirlwind of a week (can someone say end-of-the-semester?). I've never heard of the Deibide Baise Fri Toin form, but I went along for the ride, fictionalizing somewhat to make the poetic narrative work for me. Now, back to grading.

Friday, April 19, 2024

I Do Know It is the 18th Day of #VerseLove and I Am Sticking True to My Commitment. #VerseLove '24. Contemplating Life, That is For Sure

I've never been trained as a fireman, but putting out fires seems to be the work of my labor these days. I know what I'm capable of, what I believe in, and the nature of the work I do. I do not have control of the environment in which I work. So, I have my poetry. I have my CWP-Fairfield work (which I believe in full-heartedly with the National Writing Project mission) and I believe in kids and teachers. It remains my priority. The prompt was to write about self-care and therapy, but I wrote about a sugar ant crawling up my leg. He seemed a worthy subject. And I'll continue to do me as I do me. Period.

Thursday, April 18, 2024

Throw Back for the Sonnet (Echo) Poem, #VerseLove '24. Class of 1998, Sister's Class (their Junior Year). The Winter of Teddy's Drumming

I knew over the weekend that I was going to shout out to Teddy Mascari with one of my #VerseLove poems, simply because Facebook is what it is, and I've seen who he is for almost 4 decades: a teacher, an instructor, a judge, a husband, and very proud dad. He was two years ahead of me in school but because of marching band, our parents bonded. I was a little brother who went along for the ride, always in the bleachers with a book, but a love for performance (even though I wouldn't understand it until year's later when I began to think about the tradition, the evolution, the growth, and the art form...sport of the arts. Teddy posted about Avon High School's miraculous winter guard performance last weekend and I knew he was heading to Dayton this week for the drum-line competition and work.

I've been thinking about how he's provided a cadence for my life...this kid two years older than me who drummed my sister and Missy and others in to the gym. It's a beat I find myself tapping on tables from time to time....and I'm sure there's been numerous other beats he's maintained over the years. Magical fellow. Great family. Dedicated dad (his boys went into the football direction). The journeys are always beautiful, but the sonnet challenge (with an echo rhyme at the end of each line) given yesterday seemed to naturally lead towards Teddy. So, Wola. A Thursday poem. 

Tuesday, April 16, 2024

Day 16 with the Wooley Dave Himself. #VerseLove '24, a Kwansaba (or the 7 Lines, 7 Words per Line, Words with 7 or Less Letters)

Phew. Had a really productive day and then go home to emails that pretty much destroyed the day. I can only shrug my shoulders to say, "I can't do it all." Yup. Students and faculty across campus are starting to realize that there's no way a School can stay a school with no faculty and no support. Well, I've been saying that for a decade, but here we are down even more faculty. It's out of my hands.

In the meantime, I loved Dave Wooley's Kwansaba challenge, as it was just the right conciseness for the day I had. 7 lines, 7 words per line, and no more than 7 letters per word. I took liberty to write the celebratory poem about their backyard, especially the tree they planted for Eli, lil' Superman, a young soul that only had a few days on this Earth. We've had too many times spent in that backyard (or my backyard) playing games and feeding each other. It seemed the perfect subject (and as Dave noted, "the kids weren't swatting actual birds...they play badminton," but I have liberty to poet as I will.

#VerseLove '24, Poem 15. Challenged to Write an Elegy, so I Channeled Algae and Went Forward with Fish Tales.

Yep. Definitely a Monday it was. Now a Tuesday, part two of the 14-hour sequence, Monday - Wednesday with authentic bags under my eyes. Had the fortune of working with 3rd - 5th graders from Middlebrook Elementary School in Trumbull, followed my another wonderful evening coaching/mentoring the one English Education student finishing his student teaching (he's done...probably the best, glowing feedback from a host teacher and supervisor I've ever read.

Ah, but to write an elegy to kick off the week. That was today's poem.

Monday, April 15, 2024

And Just Like That...Another Monday. Had a Good Weekend Accomplishing Intellectual & Spiritual Goal, As Well As Wrote Poem 14 #VERSELOVE

End even if I promise myself I'll learn to say "no," I continue to say yes and, as a result, will be running a workshop for 100 5th graders this afternoon who won a field trip to campus. They want me to impress them, and I should be saying, "And how much will you pay me for my time?" New truth: I don't have time for such shenanigans. I'd rather spend time working on projects that matter more to me. 

Like #Verselove and another poem...a goal to bring on Spring with all its glory. Because of the rain, I had to look out my windows, and that is what led the way.

Saturday, April 13, 2024

On the 13th Day of @VerseLove a Brain Dump of Letting the Words Flow As They Will (As They Always Do)

Phew. Avon World Guard. There were no words for such perfection. I spent my day taking notes, writing, buying Karal another bed and a toy and organizing food for the week ahead. It returned to the spirited cold and last night was definitely blanket weather. Today, more poems, more writing, more grading, and holding my breath for the days ahead. Here's to us all. 

#VerseLove, Day 11, Poem 11. Write of a Creature That Doesn't Always Have the Limelight in the Poet's Eye

It's Saturday morning. Happy WGI weekend (as we collect 3 years of the Sport of the Arts literacy data). My eyes are already spinning. It was easier to read books on the bleachers than to actually watch for the storytelling and understanding of the rubric. Alas, I'm thankful to poetry and movement and another year of distracting my brain with what it gets distracted with. I enjoyed crafting this poem, which is more about the time I ran by a scene where a car hit the offspring of an opossum. The howling and anger of the mother in the middle of the road is something I'll never forget, and I couldn't help but make a connection with a scenario I probably shouldn't have been involved in (but I was young, stupid, and full of the zest of what could have been possible). As Kirsten would say, "God Bless that animal." So, I do.

Friday, April 12, 2024

What Do You Long For, When You Don't Need Anything? Medicine Cabinet to the Rescue. #VerseLove '24. Day 10 of the @EthicalELA Poetic Challenge

I'm sliding into Friday with more TGIFs than usual. I have a writing project that is my top priority, but first I need to do a few journal reviews that are overdue. I'm thankful for last night's roast beef sandwich dinner and the fact that in the rain, Karal drapes on me like a feather boa. I normally don't struggle with figuring out a poem to tack an obstacle, but longing for what I need tripped me up. I don't need anything. I'm a luck Son of a Butch and have more than I could ever want. I could say time or sleep, but who doesn't need that. I do need a vacation, but those days will come. Ah, but I have a poem, so I'm 10/10 and that is a good feeling. 

Thursday, April 11, 2024

VerseLove '24 - Making a Statement with a Quoted Line from Jane Hirschfield. Are We Day #9 Already? May the Force Be with Us

Yesterday was day one where I could eat lunch. I love the way I'm able to stay focused while fasting, prioritizing what matters most. I also finished day 3 of the 14-hour marathon and I came home late exhausted and numb. Still, I made time for the 30 for 30 poems and always enjoy the word-play provided me every day. Looks like rain for a couple of days, but it's rain that brings the flowers, so I will be good to go. I do need a day on the couch under a blanket, however. Not used to those, but a man can dream, can't he?

Wednesday, April 10, 2024

#VerseLove, Day 9, A List Poem of Truths & Lies. It's All Good. I Like Making Lists and Exploring What Goes Unsaid. Happy to Take Part

Oof. Back to the 14-hour days, but proud to say I made it through another month of fasting with Abu & Lossine. It's been a stretch of no eating during sunlit hours, and I made two exceptions...coffee in the morning and water if I need it (they say that is okay because I'm old). I didn't break fast last night until 9 pm because I'm in my M-W crazy. Last one today.

And yes, Butch, I mowed my lawn. It's going to rain for a few days and I couldn't let the front get any higher. The first mowing every year is rough because my front lawn is a hairy ape. Its hair is green soup. But it is cut. 

Yesterday was a list poem of truths and lies. So I wrote from the heart. It always brings healing. 

Tuesday, April 9, 2024

Basketball. Award Ceremonies. And I'm More Drawn to #VerseLove '24 and Zip-Code Poetry. Suddenly I'm Nostalgic for High School

Well, Tuesday. I'm not sure how the games end, but love the winners and the hard work they put in. I had my first dinner for mentoring a Corrigan Scholar and I'm beyond grateful to offer what I can. Yesterday's prompt from EthicalELA was  a new one for...simply use your zip code to allot the number of words per line (with zero being, well, zero)...I could have put a star, I suppose. I did love using childhood zip codes, current zip codes and, well, Jenny, to lead the poetic reflection. Hard to believe it's been so long since the graduation in 1990. 

We really had a precious childhood and adolescence. 

Monday, April 8, 2024

Another #VersePoem '24 - and One Written for Saturday Night after I Said "I Do," Because I Will and I Couldn't Be More Honored to Take Part In All to Come

I think the trees are about getting ready to do that allergy thing to my eyes, nose, and throat. I can feel the tickles beginning, and I am worried that I haven't mowed the lawn yet because it's high....but I don't want to be the first (maybe I'll do it tomorrow while others are at work so I won't be as embarrassed). 

The prompt for the day was to write in extended haiku or tanka...I went with the third option, a style I didn't know about. It's good to have syllabic limitations because it keeps excessive people like me contained. Anyway...here's to two of my favorite human beings in the world. Couldn't want more than to see the two of them continue their mission, their teaching, their love, and their dedication to the students they take under their care. They are the real deal. 

Sunday, April 7, 2024

In 2014, the Light Hit Just Right on a Pool Day, CNY. 10 Years Later, It Pops Up with a Photography Prompt on #VerseLove '24. Beautiful

 Truth. I spent the day with the Sealey, Wooley, Johnson needing a grading space as their house was shown. At night, we have dinner with Will & Jess, with news I was asked to officiate a 2nd wedding...Justine and Juliette in May, and Will & Jess in August. And of course, this was this poem (while also welcoming Ger back to the U.S. and talking with my cousin about a potential gathering next week). Sometimes, yes...the light is just right.

Okay, Sunday. Today you REALLY must grade. 

Saturday, April 6, 2024

The Task: What is a Perfect Friday Night Date - And I Went Throwback to an Imperfect Friday Night Date. Hey. It is What it Is.

 It's one of my favorite stories to tell, but I've never told it poetically, so I tried. Here's to that class...2004? 2005? It all blurs at this point but the memory of kids and a younger Crandall stays with me.

Here's to the weekend and fish dinners.

Friday, April 5, 2024

Had an Absolute Blast Writing an Alphabet Letter Poem to Feature a Letter (But I Chose to Not Feature It & Played). #VerseLove24

It was day four of VerseLove on EthicalELA.com and the brilliant prompt from Jennifer Guyor Hewitt was to take on an alphabet letter and bring it to its poetic fruition. I chose to be Crandall, and to impishly go after a poem without the letter B. I could spend the rest of my life spending time on such poetics and language play. I love April because it distracts me from the insanity of April. As stressed as I get I think, "Oh, Crandall, but you have a poetic challenge to accomplish."

Do I have priorities or do I have priorities?

Thursday, April 4, 2024

Day 3 #VerseLove - Walk the Place of a Writer You Cherish & Go Poetically Forth (I adapted a bit with multiple writers)(but I am me, so okay).

It was a great place-prompt, and I was drawn to being 19, being on a voyage with 20+ students on an exchanged program in London, visiting the sea side for an evening and, well, it was a phenomenal evening of youth being youth, in a magical place during a time that changed my life forever. The most magical months of my life that would never allow me to be the same ever again: friends, scholarly mentors, travel, and words....so many words. 

Ah, to be young again

Wednesday, April 3, 2024

It Was an Honor to Host Day 2, April 2nd, of #VerseLove '24 and to Let the Ol' Magic Box Poem Do Its Thing. I Never Tire from the Word Play

Another rainy, murky day in the northeast, but an unexpected surprise. My buddy, Dave, was childless and wifeless for the evening so I broke fast with him at Chitunga's ol' stomping ground where he bar-backed for extra money. We were only two of the few at the bar and The Windmill never fails. Another day of teaching and writing and prepping (my house looks like an Amazon warehouse of items for teachers, but since the CWP office was removed from Donnarumma, I needed a place to store items for K-12 schools. It's the love I choose to do, but wish I got support for the location where I work. Here's to April, though. 

My poem for the day. 

The directions for word play with the Magic Box are below;

Tuesday, April 2, 2024

It's #VerseLove '24, and I Am Thrilled to Take Part in the @EthicaELA Celebration of National Poetry Month with a Community of Teacher Poets

The dentist made a fool of me again yesterday to welcome me to April, but I also got the first of 30 poems completed through the EthicalELA's #VerseLove. There's always time to join and participate. The first prompt came from Kim Johnson and she asked us to #OurNames. Sure. That is a wonderful first-day task.

It wouldn't be a first post without a Karal sighting. Here's to the poets, the teachers, Sarah Donovan and the EthicalELA team for all their hard work in making this happen once again. It shall be a poetic month once again!

Monday, April 1, 2024

And It's Always a Pleasure to Celebrate Holidays with Friends & Family, But Even Better When Time is Spent with the Next Generation to Carry Traditions On

I was in charge with carrots...the peeling, the slicing, the honey, the maple syrup, and the wonderful sweetness to go alongside potatoes, ham, asparagus, and brilliant snacks (including homemade Polish kielbasa...thanks Dominik).

Obviously, the kids were the hits of the day. Their play is hilarious and they make everything that much more fun. 

It's also a great day to spend with Karal's veterinarian. We love Stephanie. 

In the end, however, it was the cherubs and their bunny rabbits and baskets of toys that took the spotlight (and some sort of baked cheese for the crackers...too good for words). 

But now it is April Fool's Day and I'm a fool, because I have a dental cleaning followed by massive amounts of work to prepare the week, the remaining days of the semester, and SUMMER! Looks like we'll be going forward full speed once again. 

And it looks like sun today. Rain the rest of the week, and my lawn is Turing into a forest. I just don't want to start the mowing quite yet. Ah, but I am Butch's son. Son of a Butch. Hope the mower still works. 

Also, it's April and that means #VerseLove starting tomorrow. I can't wait.