Monday, May 27, 2024

We May or May Not Have Re-enacted Our Younger Carefree Days Last Night Around a Fire Talking About Global Citizenry Ahead

I told Ger in the morning, hopefully by 5 someone will invite us for a barbecue. We hiked Lordship by the water, I mowed the lawn, we did laundry, etc. but no invitations arrived. I started cooking what I had and before we knew it we had our own Memorial Day BBQ: Trini-chicken, potatoes, salad, beans, rice. He went for a walk and when he returned he had beers. King came over and I built a fire...the rest is history.

To be honest, I didn't build any fires last year. Chitunga's departure sort of put a wedge in that tradition as it was the two of us that sat around a fire chatting until the late night. Bourbon helped. When he moved to Iowa, I simply collected piles of items to burn, but never set them on fire (there's some Butch in me after all). 

Last night, however, we kept a fire going almost to 1 a.m. and around the fire we talked: global politics, history, next steps, our intentions, educating youth, culture, lived experiences, joy. It was one of the more memorable nights where you realize the company is perfect, the gathering intentional, and the friendship 100% sincere. And the temperatures were absolutely perfect to be outside, to think of memories of what and how such an evening came to be, and simply relax. 

That was probably the best part of the day...we simply chilled out, laughed, talked, and shared thoughts. It will definitely be one of those moments to be cherished forever...

He named his son Haow, the Universe, and that is all you need to know about Ger. What coincidences he brings. 

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