Wednesday, May 29, 2024

I Wondered How Karal Would React After Mt. Pleasant Calmed Down This Afternoon. Somehow, She Found a Way to Find Bliss and Serenity for Herself

It's always a risk to bring a suitcase in front of Karal. She goes into depression mode and anxiety panic. Who is leaving? Why? How long will I be left? Does nobody love me? This is what happened when Ger wheeled his luggage to the first floor. She loves the company, the walks, the extra set of legs to get in front of and trip. After I dropped him off, however, she collapsed in the sunlight, content as an angel.

Speaking of, Ger is such a celestial thinker - there are no words for how much he triggers me to be a better man. 

Yesterday, I recorded my first class (asynchronous teaching can be fun) and brought dinner to friends. I cleaned up some more, said goodbye to the genius, and edited a manuscript. I now need to think about the last phases of yard work, 2024, and figuring out where I want to expand a significant butterfly garden. I have over 18 Milkweed plans that have popped out of the planters, ready to be relocated. Debating if I want them by the blueberries or to create a barrier to the house behind me or not (as I hope to compete with their poison ivy). Such a war. 

I am thinking about finding my own sense of comfort like Karal. I wouldn't mind a day of lying around reading the piles of books that have most recently been delivered (in anticipation to the July/August work ahead). 

Summer months are better months, because I get to conduct the want with my own hands...figure out the orchestration and rhythm I want, without all the noise of others and their agendas. I get to make music, and I'm thankful to Ger for pointing that out as he introduced me to Jacob Collier and led me down a rabbit hole of musical genius.

We need the same for teachers...and that is where I hope to focus the rest of my career.

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