Saturday, May 25, 2024

Leaving this Here as a Place Holder, As These Last Few Days Have Been Beyond Description (Incredible), But I'm Still Going At It.

And today he officiates his first wedding. I am totally honored and have been working for months to make it all possible. Last night, after a youth conferences with 100s of kids, I attended the rehearsal dinner where I was gifted a t-shirt that summarizes it all.

Ah, but today, I need to arrange the dog, pick up girlfriends of the groom's family who don't have rides, and conduct the ceremony. Oh, and the paving company that as to come next week came early, so I don' have my driveway. Can't make any of this crazy up. My car is parked a street over. 

For now, however, I need to get one more day of accomplishment under my belt, and I hope I'll be able to process this past week with posts over the next few weeks. It has been too incredible for words. 

but for now I need to hit the road, hit the services, hit the ritual, and hit the ceremony as best as I can. 

Justin and Juliet are getting married. 

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