Friday, May 10, 2024

So Happy for My Dear Friend, Beverly Robinson, and Her Retirement Today from Campus. She Represents All that Is Good & Right, Just, & Kind. Wishing the Best Her Way.

I stopped by Beverly Robinson's office yesterday to deliver flowers so she can plant them outside her home. I told her, "Yes, you're my friend, but I also appreciate you as a colleague and champion for students. You've been the face and voice for so many of our graduate students and you deserve tremendous recognition and applause simply because you are wonderful."

Tonight, we celebrate her with a friendship toast over tequila.

When I think about the people I work with ... the good ones...the fair ones, and the believers of  kindnesss and doing right by students, staff, and faculty, I think about Beverly Robinson. She has always been dedicated, loyal to the mission, humorous, and willing to step up for the team. 

It saddens me to know she is retiring from our campus and today is her last day, but I also know she deserves to say, "Adios" to the work. I am a better human being knowing she was in the Kelly Center. I'm fortunate that I learned young that most locations are built by such individuals who are often the unsung heroes behind the scene. I'm thankful she and her husband became my friends and I love all the time we spend together off campus.

Bev deserves this retirement, as she's always been a fantastic person for all who know her: a great mother, a witty mind, an irreplaceable friend, and a dedicated employee. 

I'm happy that after today she is free from the day-to-day grind. She can now concentrate on harassing Leo's eating habits, enjoy more beach time, love her wonderful sons even more than she already does, and rest her mind with good books, movies, series, and jokes.

She is beyond deserving.

Congratulations, Bev Robinson (here's to you, Mrs. Robinson). All love and appreciation for a great woman! I'm looking forward to celebrating more tonight.

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