My day began at 7 a.m. yesterday. 60 minutes of work-related chaos before visiting schools and then returning home to a neighbor walking by with his dog and Karal barking spastically that she, too, wanted to be outside. I was then called by the FBI, not because I'm in trouble (wipes sweat from his brow) but because a student of yesteryear was applying for an FBI secretarial job. I was a reference and I answer a good 30-minutes of questions in which I simply had to ask the interviewer, "Um, how are you screening at this level of scrutiny, when one of our presidential applicants would not be able to pass such a screening?" I was told, "Welcome to 2024." It's madness. "Has the applicant ever led anti-United States insurrections or led parades against diversity, immigration, and inclusivity." Well, nope. Not this student. Just presidential candidates.
The panacea in the conversation was when he said, "Yes, we realize that the questions we ask are legitimate for anyone we hire to protect the interests of the United States. We are also aware that some elected officials would never be hired by the FBI because of their anti-U.S. interests."
Huh? Meanwhile, my dentist is counter to a root canal because she believes it is a poorly constructed, temporary crown which will be replaced next week. Um, okay. So the pain it imaginary and will be fixed with a very expensive replacement.
I will suffer. There are Advil and codeine.
Karal just wants to go for a walk and to jump on people with an enthusiasm for life. Meanwhile emergency work-related meetings are popping up. I just want to walk with my dog, too.
Perhaps today there will be space. Lord, the to-do list is enormous.
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