Tuesday, May 28, 2024

It's Always Good Having Company on Mt. Pleasant, Especially When It is a Classy Friend Who Keeps Your Intellect Alive & Always Questioning Next Steps

It's been fun sharing writing, reading, speaking space over an extended weekend with this powerhouse of a human being, but it's time for Ger to depart and start his journey back to South Sudan. We put in miles around town, had the best conversations, and ate incredibly well. We were fortunate to have many options (many of them requiring the kindness of others). Living in the moment, and making the best of each day is what it's all about.

But back to reality for the two of us this morning...still so thankful that he came by for the conference and to touch brains before he returns home for more work. Funny how quickly we've become brothers and family. I've been channeling his perspectives since my high school teaching days when I wondered about the coincidences in our lives...now, such coincidences bring more meaning than I ever imagined.

Now to prep for the 1st graduate class of the summer, which I need to get my head around that sooner, rather than later. I don't think the day is supposed to be a wash like yesterday, but I know the rain was fantastic for all the seedlings popping up across my yard.. 

Karal will hate the return to an empty house (Ger was her preferred cuddle space and she left my shoulders alone for a few days). She likes a lively house. The back porch grill is up and running for the season, and that's what matters most....hospitality and guests.

And of course, Connecticut Writing Project hats for South Sudan leadership.

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