Saturday, May 11, 2024

I'm an Aquarian so the Waterways are Centralizing, Sanitizing, Calming, & Necessary to My Soul. Thankful to Each & Every Time I Can Gaze at the Water

I grew up on lakes. Fishing. Swimming, Watching the way the natural world fuels its soul at the greatness of water. I've always found calm on beaches, watching waves, walking on sand, and starrng into the reality that so much water is what this world is made of...we need it to stay alive. Last night, I had the fortune to walk to Walnut Beach to celebrate Bev's retirement, but also to process a rather ugly day. Such views matter. The peace one finds along the water is what keeps me mentally stable and focused.

Long before I was here and long after I depart, I hope that waterways sooth the serenity of other souls. As I age and lose the energy of a life well lived, I hope to always channel the beauty of where sky, water, and land meet. I love the light, the colors, the importance, and the balance of such a world (one that has been off kilter for the entirety of human life, but definitely off its rocker in the last decade or so). 

I need more time to sit and rest my calm my nerves...and to settle a restless soul. This morning, I am simply thinking about how important such moments are.

I am looking to the Great Whatever for more answers, better humans, a stronger guidance to cherish life on a planet of many where art, ideas, dialogue, and democracy are possible.

I am counting my blessings, but also very aware of the ugliness in others. And I'm trying to make sense of it on a Saturday morning, where I'm feeling powerless against the stupidity of it all. A scene like this, though, gives me hope. 

Hope, that pesky lil' evil left in Pandora's box, is all we have left.

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