Last night, after a stop at Jerry's for a haircut (he needed a good shave), we went to Milford to hike the ocean trails and to do what we do best...think the big picture, discuss the power of our lives, brainstorm possible collaborations, an simply appreciate the company of one another while we have it.
Karal was left at Pam's so it was a walk for more 'chilling out.' At one point I looked at the setting sun and said, "Look, We're not walking towards the rising one, but it's the same thing" Sun = life. It was actually a beautiful beach night. We were supposed to find a drumming circle, but apparently it was cancelled, so we just did a much needed walk-n-talk.
But now I'm off...100+ kids, 8 teachers, several school districts, and the madhouse of bus arrangements, food schedules, and hope for the entire day to go smoothly. The end product is all the student writers will be published in Power of Words '24. This is what happens when we invest in teacher excellence and the incredible books children desire to read.
And we're off.
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