Sunday, August 25, 2024

Two for Two (Well, Three For Two). Good Times at the Beach with Little Ones and Great to Be with Edem's Twins & Malia. So Much Changed Quickly

I'm definitely accustomed to my world. I move as I move and don't have to factor in diapers, feeding schedules, sleeping time, moods, and play things. Getting to the beach took about four hours longer than I figured it would take...but Courtney did by rainbow swirled bagels that tasted like normal bagels, and that made for a spur-of-the-moment sandwich while Kanyea and Malia fell asleep in a chair for two hours, delaying sun even longer. All was well, though, because by the time we got to the beach, it was stunningly beautiful.

And Edem came with Zuni and Zeva, who have doubled in size since his last visit. He and Felicia live 35 miles away and I never see them...just phone updates. Great to have them together with Kanyea and Courtney, as well as Kaitlyn and Oliwia.

So many smiles. So much jumping around. So much curiosity and joy wrapped up in all the lil' ones already living their best lives. 

Also, on a note of great joy, Chitunga's student loans are officially paid off. We tag-teamed to get that out of the way, so he can enter his 30s without that burden hanging over his head. Focus, determination, vision, and purpose. Wonderful to take care of that last night. All done. 

Today may be another day for the beach, but maybe a road trip to see another part of Connecticut. We've been eating well, laughing, enjoying every moment, reminiscing, and keeping our minds on the preciousness of time.

If only every day was spent with such clarity. 

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