Saturday, August 17, 2024

Grilled Halibut, Mushroom Risotto, and Spinach...not Bad for a Friday Night Dinner to Unwind

I wanted and needed to take it easy last night, so I could have enough rest for today's wedding with William and Jessica. That's probably when Leo texted, "Dinner?" I answered, "Where?" and he said, "Dunno." His wive, Beverly, chose Founders House and I was gluttonous by order one of the specials. Grilled halibut, mushroom risotto, and spinach. The flavors were superb and even if I thought the fish was a tad bit overcooked, it was worth every cent spent. Delicious. 

And I always like eating somewhere new. Definitely on the radar for when out-of-town guests come by. Fancy, swanky, and delicious. 

Ah, but I need to rise with he sun and roll with the smoke coming down from Canada once again. Storms, rising tides, smoke, tornadoes....we just don't know what rising Earth temperatures will bring our way. Bev said, "Maybe we're living in the apocalypse," in which I responded, "likely. Get the humans off the planet sooner than later.

It'll be good for ol' Maude.

I printed out my remarks and have organized the sand, so I'm very much ready for heading north for the afternoon to officiate a long, overdue ceremony. Rev. Cran-diggity at it again. World's least-likely preacher is ordained and some are foolish enough to request him.

Time for the wedding bells.

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