Tuesday, August 6, 2024

Shhh. I Loved Playing Hookey from the Universe So Much This Weekend, That I Threw in the Towel at 11 a.m. and Went to the Beach

And we paddle boarded and swam until around 4. My lobster skin is evidence of that, as is the emails awaiting my reply (they can wait). Leo asked me when was the last time I had a vacation and I could only answer the Key West trip with Chitunga several years ago, but we both worked while there. Truth is, the job I have doesn't allow for much time off because it serves teachers and students in the summer and I serve undergraduate and graduate students, as well as conduct professional development around the state during the year.

We had a great day of sun, Triscuits, cheese, and eventually water when we decided to pack it up and head back home. It was absolute perfection, which we ended by grilling more outside and service the meal over rice (that Abu cooked). 

Then we walked Karal. 

Truth is, we watched the weather and yesterday was the last sunny day in the high 80s for several weeks. The prediction is for temperatures in the 70s with rain every day, so we got it in while we could. I know I would have regretted taking advantage of a beach day as these other days rolled in. 

High five to Crandall for doing a little self-care.

But my thighs are on fire. Balancing on the boards for significant amounts of time is not easy, especially as waves and tides come in. But we did it - him a heck of a lot longer than I did, as I kept heading back to the shore to stare into space. 

Happy Tuesday. Bring on the 70s.

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