Saturday, August 24, 2024

The Joy of Discovering Everything: Exploration, Wonder, Language, Joy, and a New Setting. Welcome Malia Celine. First Visit to Connecticut

Crazy how the world works. Kanyea graduated from University of Illinois in 2017, where he played division I soccer. Finishing that degree, he wondered what would come next, and he contacted Abu and Losssine, who recommended, "You need to go live with Crandall. He'll help you figure it out." He came for a year, and last night we watched the video made from the summer when he worked for CWP. He was meant to administrated - wasn't so great with kids. Too competitive and serious. 

Fast forward. We relocated him back to Syracuse where he did a Masters at SUNY Oswego in hospital administration, where he's worked ever since. He was also Chitunga's wingman when Chitunga was at Lemoyne. Chitunga used to say, "I let Kanyea stand in the bar and the ladies flock to him. If I'm lucky, a few of them will take to me."

Kanyea met Courtney and they had Malia Celine last year. She's already walking, talking, and showing she has Kanyea's stubbornness, Courtney's zest, and her own joy. Kanyea wanted a spicy, Crandall dinner which I provide and I'm impressed that Malia ate off his plate. I had one taste and I was like, "I can cook that, but I can't eat that." My stomach couldn't take the heat. 

Karal got used a the toddler in the house and Courtney retired early with her (so she would fall out of the bed). We ate like royalty and today we're off to the's a perfect weekend, and we'll introduce her to Oliwia and Ethan. Toddler central.

Wonderful to have them on Mt. Pleasant again. It's been 7 years since Kanyea moved into my home and introduced me to his story. I can't believe how much has changed since then. Chitunga always said, "he's my brother," and it feels good to know Kanyea bought a house, is working for Loretto, and already looking for his next steps with Courtney. 

In the meantime...this girl of theirs...there are no words. Too precious. I'm ready for her play for the U.S. Olympic team. She's built like her dad. 

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