Wednesday, June 26, 2024

One of the Perks I Picked up from Papa Butch was the Art of Staying Busy. Sure, If You Want to Clean Off the Bugs, Go For It

Karal, my mom, and my dad were all snoring by 8 pm. I have no idea how they did this without having the tv on. Mom does a mean Big Bird impersonation with the babbling of her lips in every exhale. Karal chases squirrels, and dad sneezes in his sleep. 

I enjoyed the downtime and silence. Yes, three creatures snoring without tv's blaring is a good thing. 

I got a lot of work done, slowly, for the upcoming weeks and worked on teacher certifications, always biting my nails that I didn't something wrong. Dad and I sat out front for a while when he decided he wanted to pick off the bugs on my hood (which is more like chipped paint from ten years of driving). I actually pulled up a chair and joined him. I was meaning to wash the car anyway.

Chitunga landed in Syracuse at midnight last night, but has to put in another day of work for EY, so unlikely to see him until Thursday/Friday. Those days look like perfect, sunny, no humidity CNY June days. I am overjoyed for them.

Today, though, I think I need to do grocery runs. I've cooked all the foot I brought from Connecticut and I'm craving steaks. Of course, now it will be coordinating the many parties who freeing their summers up in CNY schools. It's also Nikki's Birthday, so we await instructions of what comes next.

In the meantime, more coffee.

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