Sunday, June 9, 2024

11.8 Miles of Iowan Trails Yesterday. We Weren't Quite in the Ironman Crowd, but We Tried. Beautiful "Lake" (kind of ponds) Trails and Olmstead Parks

He said after he fried eggs and steak that we were going to walk about ten miles, but I thought he was kidding. Nope. We walked almost 12, and covered several parks in the area and landmarks. I'm all up for walking. The trouble is when we sat in-between parks. Then getting out of the car was rough. These bones. But I made. Easter Lake and Gray's Lake (where the Olmstead Park is). We also did McCray, but by driving it. Today we head to TBD....heading to Iowa State University.

Also found a Kohl's and got him more picture frames for his apartment. Many empty walls can use memories of his other lives. 'The photo is from McCray Park across from the city. The tallest building is where Chitunga's office is (34th floor). The dome-like skylines of Iowa are beautiful, probably because most of it is flat. 

Definitely wore treads in my sneakers with all the hiking, and if you know Chitunga you know he walks like Legolas in Lord of the Rings. He has air under his feet and keeps an extraordinary pace. 

Highlights: Chew-bacca lager at Confluence Brewery and the incredible farmer's market right out side Chitunga's apartment building that goes for several blocks. Everything you can possibly need is purchasable on Saturday's all summer long...and the crowd was much more diverse than everyday Iowa. He just hates crowds, so he didn't last long. I could have people watched for hours. 

Alright, we'll see where today will take us...we finished The Gentleman on Netflix, and I remember how to make coffee in the French Press (I can thank Mark for that) Such a good cup of coffee, and if he sleeps in like yesterday, I'm all about self-sufficiency.

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