Wednesday, June 12, 2024

And I've Made It Home to Stratford, After a Wonderful Omelet at The Breakfast Club in Des Moines, Iowa, and Two Flights with No Incidents

I will miss the many paths to walk, especially with Chitunga, the kid I love to talk with more than anyone else in the world. He is in a good place, found a wonderful apartment, and is on his own road to find out. I spent the flights rewatching The Good Lie, and remembering all the stories with South Sudanese kids who I was fortunate to mentor in Louisville, Syracuse, and even Bridgeport. It means even more knowing two of the actors in the film. It was an emotional experience to revisit the story, especially as I try to find serenity in the one I've been living for over 20 years. 

Sadly, the omelet was the only substantive meal I had all day, as pretzels don't cut it. At least there was leg room on the two flights back. The ones on the way were there were miserable on my knees. 

Now, it's time to prep for tonight's graduate Capstone, to pick up Karal from the incredible Shirley Klein, and to redirect all passions to CWP summer work. 

Always great to return to your own bed, even though I had no problems with the air mattress provided by Chitunga. I just hate having to leave the conversations I've always loved having with him.

Here's to the journeys...all of them. You just never know how the chapters will be written. 

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