Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Made It to Syracuse to Meet Lucille, the Latest Addition to the Isgar Crazy (and Scored a Curved Cucumber for My Mother

I was able to grade the items turned in late and then headed to Syracuse for a short while in celebration of a few birthdays and a graduation party. This includes meeting the latest to the canine crew, Lucy, who has been with Cynde and Mike for just over 24 hours (funny, this angle makes her look like Benji). She's a definite mix of many things and it will interesting to see what her adult look will become.

Shy. Skeptical. Still checking out her new digs and these nut jobs her took her in.

I grilled chicken for the parental units after catching up on podcasts through the hills of 17. Hit horrible traffic with Newtown construction and then again in Syracuse. Leave it to the powers that be to do construction on all the major roads all at the same time. It makes no sense...so getting to one side from Syracuse to the other is a pain in the ass.

The humidity broke and we could sleep with the windows open and that is always delicious. Watched Olympics (at volume 52) with dad as mom played games and made the upstairs sound like a casino). Chitunga flies in at midnight tonight, and will be staying with the Kurtz's and Alyssa. 

Here's to what the day will bring.

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