Monday, June 3, 2024

Loved Celebrating 2023 Graduates in 2024 - the Science Trio I Had in Content Literacy, Action Research, and Capstone. Brilliant Teachers I Was Proud to Teach

There names didn't appear in a commencement program until 2024, because their graduate degree was confirmed in August. So, they called a few weeks ago to ask me for a program and I said, "I owe you dinner anyway. I promised to have you over." Last night they came, and it was wonderful to hear the experiences of their first year: one in Trumbull, one in Westport, and the other at Fairfield Prep. They were easily three of the smartest students I've had over the years and Fairfield University's Math and Science Departments should be proud. They were top-notch all the way.

"I'll only eat chicken," admitted Amanda, so that is what I cooked (with Kris Sealey's Trini spices). Also made potato salad, grilled vegetables, had appetizers, and a good bread. They brought many desserts (of which I drove over to friends after they left - I love desserts, but no my tastes and Italian desserts are not my style...will never understand why they are favored by people. But I am thankful....and giving. Let those enjoy them that enjoy them.

Back to grad classes for the next four weeks (all online) and to balance out CWP's summer programs along the way. Always fascinating to meet with old students to hear more about their experiences and to recognize, well, I'm one of the only ones left. They have no idea the turbulence behind the scenes the last few years...I did my best to keep them all protected. This is the way of good teaching, I've learned. They don't need to know the uglier side of it all.

Wishing the best for these three educators and loving that a beautiful yellow Jeep was in my driveway. I sent to Chitunga right away, as that was the plan all along, but both of us are economical strategic and know that Jeeps look good, but guzzle gas. We dream, but live on Earth.

Perhaps, one day. 

K-12 teachers have just a few weeks left. Here's to all of them and the incredible work they do.

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