Monday, June 10, 2024

At at Zombie Burger + Drink Lab in Des Moines Last, a Few Blocks from Tunga's Place. Delicious. Another Great Day of Hiking, Touring, and Even Lifting Weights

Tunga's like me. I never know what side of the bed he'll wake up and what mood I will get. He's a list kid, super organized, and obsessed with his routines. On Sundays he works out, does laundry, grocery shops, and prepares for the week. I was like, "Wait a second. I'll go crazy if you leave me to my own devices," so I found myself grocery shopping, working out, and then seeing his desire to see more the state. We traveled to Ames for Iowa State University. Impressive campus. Caitlin Clark left her mark. We also saw more lakes, traveled varying locations, and hiked around the capital. Even after dinner and Zombie Burger + Drink Lab, we took another walk along the river and by the stadiums. He asked me if Iowa exceeded my expectations and I had to admit it has. There's a lot going on's just peculiar to see so much empty from what was going on in yesteryear. Seems there's tax breaks for building new, but nor restoring what was just built and didn't work.

But it is definitely a capital/insurance hub for the Midwest. There are choices for living life just about everywhere. His apartment is beautifully located, too. He's central to just about everything, and I told him he'd miss the proximately to it all if he was to ever leave.

I just wish it was 5 hours away from CT and now 6 hours by plane (after making connections). I get it, though. I fled CNY for Louisville for 15 years. It makes sense to find one's way on your own. He's stubborn like me in that way. 

I admitted that the pull back home didn't come until my late 30s. I knew I need CNY and the drastic four seasons again. I didn't last long, but loved the return while I had it. Right now, Connecticut offers the perfect medium for my worlds...although the traffic is miserable and I wish Tunga and the family all lived closer. 

He's back to work today and I'm back to teaching online. I need to be extra vigilant to make this and next week work, especially if I want to make for Sean's graduation party. 

It will happen, but I'm also needing to return to Louisville to pay Sue and Dave a visit. I'm long overdue.


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