Saturday, June 8, 2024

Lot's of Hiking. Good Food. More Walks. More Walking. More Food. Iowa is What It Is. Food and Walks. Walks and Food.

Chitunga worked. I walked. I think I hit every street in the city. Met him for lunch, and hit more streets. Not much open or going on. People watching fascinating. River running fast. 

After work, we went to a bar, and followed with a burger joint before returning to Guy Ritchie's The Gentlemen, a British show of Dukedom, drugs, and corruption. It was a riot and we enjoyed every second.

But too much food, makes one tired. Now it is the weekend, and we'll see what the adventure will bring our way.  

The river has more bridges than any other river I've ever street has a bridge. They are everywhere.

Iowa flatlands. City with many empty buildings. Midwest American City of many moving parts, roads, restaurants, and pathways. 



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