Tuesday, June 11, 2024

And We Went German Pub on the Final Night, and I Resolved to Have a Beef Pastry Dish with Gravy, Peas, Carrots, and Potatoes

It was delicious. I had to teach, so I did, but after Tunga came home from work we met colleagues out for drinks and then found a good space to get pub food. I got a Guiness/Steak Sheppards Pie and it was outstanding. We came home and finished season one of White Lotus. I'm a little perplexed, because I knew the final episode what supposed to resolve issues, but for us, we had a million and one questions. It definitely hooked us along, but we are critical and need to know more.

Nonetheless. Great show.

I walked through the artsy fartsy sectors of town and I picked up a few items to make Chitunga's apartment more a space to live in. We worked his crockpot for the first time (a lamp recipe that termed pit great) and I put another 7 miles on the Sauconys.  I knew I had to teach, but wanted to exercise first. 

Today, I leave Dodge and hope to make the connecting flight in time. It's been a fun few weeks of eating well, exploring, and spending every night waiting for midnight to hit so we can watch the skyline lights go out. I can get used to that, as they all blink off shortly after midnight. 

I wish he lived closer. I wished I lived closer to him. 

Btu back to the grind we go. He's having eye surgery this Friday and I wish I could stay anotther week, but I didn't know. Prayers up for quick recovery.

I love this kid to death

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