Sunday, September 1, 2024

The Fine-Dining Days Will Soon Be Ending as a New Semester Kicks In, But For Now, When I Have Time, I'll Spend a Day Cooking

I had four-cheese tortellini and bacon and made the mistake of typing that into Google. I found a creamy dish (like my creamed potatoes), and had asparagus, mushrooms, onions, garlic, and spinach, too. The result? Well, I spent most of the afternoon in the kitchen making a dish to see how it would turn out. It was fun to make (after the bacon...not a fan of any grease). 

Pam matched the dish with chicken glazed with apricot jelly and with a little Italian bread, we had a quality out-to-eat experience but from our own labor. Two nights in a row we've been eating like we're food influencers on Tik-Tok trying to get fans. So, so good. 

Today is supposed to rain all day, so I'm hoping to go into grant writing land and book editing mode. I worked on syllabi all last week and laid low with the academic labor Friday and Saturday. I suppose I should get back to it today...I don't mind the work I like to do. I just don't like doing the silly work that goes no where with committees. I remember my colleague Rona once said, "I like to get shit done," and I couldn't agree more. Unfortunately, the majority of University work is meeting after meeting talking about what might be possible without every getting anything done (or listening to this that get the work done). So, I try to chisel my time for what I know I will accomplish with colleagues beyond campus in National Writing Project work.

Lawn was mowed. Karal was walked. Kitchen was cleaned and dog poop was removed. This was followed by another awesome dinner, so I'll call the day a success. 

Okay, Sunday before Labor a good one. Hello, September. We meet again.

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