Monday, September 2, 2024

Not Too Many More Weeks of the Easy-to-Nab Flower Arrangements. They're Slowly Dwindling and Drying Up, But For Now, Some Color

I figured I should begin the first week of school with a little flare, as it's hard to know that so much of m mental space needs to transition from CWP Teacher-Leadership joy back to the routines of meeting, bureaucracy, hubris, and power plays. I just want to teach, do service, and continue the research I came here to do. I have no desire to be pulled into all the other games.

I'm still thinking about my first year at Fairfield when senior colleagues said to me, "the river is splitting for you soon. You'll have to choose sides." I never did. I simply kept my oars down in National Writing Project, NCTE, NCTEAR, and LRA waters and didn't get into the local politics of my school. Yes, I found those across campus that did the same and have always been quick to jump on committee work with integrity and a purpose. All else is a distraction, but it takes a lot of might to put up a resistance to their distractions.

Inhale. Exhale. I'm here for kids, teachers, and the communities I belong, too. 

Last night, the Silvers had me over for barbecue and corn hole (how is Ethan 23 already) and I ate my fill and then some. Fantastic chicken and ribs. I definitely owe them a meal or three, because they always include me in their family shindigs. I also love have school administrators in my world, helping me to see what research doesn't detect....especially for those who dedicate themselves to urban schools. 

My psoriasis flare-up is definitely aware that it's about to start back up. I should remember, though, that the summer months are 100 times more demanding that Fall and Spring's just the bureaucracy is amplified by all who disappear in the summer returning with their demands, needs, and power trips. It is something.

Ah, but I have the flowers blooming, use of my front porch to make magic happen, and my best intentions to ride along with me. 

As Kathy said tonight, "Just do you, Crandall. Nothing else matters." 

And with that...I have a motto.

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