Thursday, September 5, 2024

The First Week Back to School with All Its Glory. Needed to Photograph the Garden Before Getting Stuck in Traffic

Lucky for me, the flowers on both sides of the driveway are in full bloom, so it is easy to take a shot. I had a full Wednesday, but noticed the Morning Glories were in full bloom. And I had to stop and admire them...a shout out to Mia Toney from the Brown School who shared the affinity. I'm glad I got the photo, because I'm thinking a lot of things about blooms, hope, the stories we tell ourselves in the United States, workloads, and rebellion. Another school shooting yesterday. I just shake my heads and, actually, remembered I made a video to celebrate Trina Paulus's 50th Anniversary in New Jersey.

I find myself thinking about Shakespeare, Chaucer, Euripides, and pretty much all literature throughout the ages thinking about what they often named as the human condition. I realize, the only thing we can do is leave the legacy and insight to the next generation. I'm thinking of the Tomorrow speech from MacBeth and Whoops from Blues Traveler. I thinking of children, families and teachers. Whoops. If it all comes down to signifying nothing, then there's no reason for any of it.

But it is's sharing blooms from your own life with others, so those blooms carry one a little while, and your blooms influence their blooms. That is how hope and goodness spread...actions, so much more than words.

At this point, I'm thinking school shootings are simply emblematic of the hypocrisy existing in U.S. politics and what the red, white, and blue stand for. As sick as it is, it's a fight for narratives and whose story gets told. 

Prudence Crandall. Reuben Crandall. Our National Anthem.

Ah, but it's Thursday. I'm heading out to a K-5 school to restore hope and possibilities. May your morning have glory, too.

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