Friday, September 27, 2024

After You Hit 80, I See No Problem with Eating Dessert While They Make the Sandwiches You've Ordered for Dinner

Arrived to the parental units by 3:45 p.m., after painful traffic in Connecticut (27 miles takes two hours) and badly timed construction on 81 and 481 in Syracuse -- there's no way to avoid it. I listened to a book on the way, Karal laid beside me and stared at my face as I drove, but we never stopped as I chose to skip lunch to make better time (not that it worked).

We went out for sandwiches at Wrap It Up, where we ran into Jill Marie, a younger Northstar from Almalfi Drive, who played with dolls and stuff animals while I was in high school. Small world, as the sandwich place is small and Syracuse is sort of big. Dad's face lit up...and this is saying a lot because he was devouring a raspberry cheesecake he insisted on having before the sandwiches came out. From what I can tell, the $8 slice was worth every bite. He kept looking over at me and smiling. "Why are you laughing at me," he asked. "It's all good dad. I love that you are eating dessert before we have dinner." 

There was no stopping him.

Chitunga made it to Syracuse at 11 a.m. and he and Lys stopped by before they went to dinner at the same restaurant where they had their first date...Santangelo's in Liverpool. I guess it was a good Thursday of eating for all.

Okay Friday. Haircut for dad...a belt...groceries to make a good dinner, and preparation for the big day tomorrow. Always good to arrive in one piece.

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