Monday, September 9, 2024

I Think I Am Pushing More Longingly for the Retirement Years. Still Have a Ways to Go, but There's Something Appealing about Spending More Time By the Water

Celebrated Kaitlyn's 39th last night, but I am thinking she's still 25 and in grad school. Truth is, she was the first hire for Ubuntu Academy back in the day, when I was experimenting with a potential summer program for kids arriving from other nations to Bridgeport Public Schools. Just shaking my head, knowing that Abu, Lossine, & Chitunga always saw her and Patrick as older siblings to look up to and even weirder to know that even they have passed the ages of where Pat and Kaitlyn were when I moved here. Blink of an eye it all is. 

Walnut Beach has emptied. It belongs to the locals and their dogs again, and it will be this way until it warms back up. Nice to see the sands resting/restoring/resettling. I already put up the paddle boards, but I thought about going out, simply because it was all so calm and still.

I'm off to Norwalk Public Schools this morning, then onto campus for Academic Council, and then off to dinner with the promoted class of 2024 - all four of us who received Full Professorship. I look forward to the night of applauding one another.

Ah, and the cool temperatures at night (if not cold). So wonderful to have that back: windows open, a blanket, the joy of being under covers. I'm definitely a Fall/Spring person. That's the way my blood can handle it.

Bring on the hoodies.

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