Sunday, July 14, 2024

Wonderful When the Grandkids Come Around (Thanks, Oona). My Snap Chat Selves are Much Better than the Real Thing

Pam had friends over for dinner, including Jack, Oona's grandson from New Jersey. Jack wanted to play on my phone, and Pam and I are all about playtime, especially when we have opportunities to look younger and more intriguing that our middle-aged selves. This was my favorite, although the 1990s versions of ourselves are good, too (it's just that they look like older least with animation, there a little more class). 

Yesterday's rainy morning (and Abu's later-than-usual-sleep schedule) gave me ample time to create contracts, to think ahead to next week, and to think forward with remaining grant money. The clouds cleared, though, and Abu got food for the week, planned out the schedules, got tickets to to Roy Kent (Brett Goldstein) in Wallingford, and chilled the rest of the night away watching soccer. 

Now, I really want to jump into anime land because I like the way we all look with our cartoon features. Ah, but we have the Euro Cup final, as well at the COPA final today (pizza day) and I really should be proactive with more planning. Fascinating to live as we do in this moment in time, because I'm unsure if opportunities to be whacky, wild, and American free will be in the future given the realities since 2016. We're still living in a nation that is hard for me to recognize.

The audiences of Jerry Spring are now adults loving a Jerry Spring world. It's not supposed to make sense, it's all about the drama, and the whackier you make it with human behavior, the closer it hits to home on psyches and self-fulfilled prophesies. I now want to skip ahead 100 years and read what is written about the years I'm currently living. Fascinating, and paradigm-shifting, indeed. 

Humans continue to be...well, humans. 

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