Saturday, July 20, 2024

And with Arrival of Lossine & Delaney, There's Only One Dish I'm Allowed to Make - The Crandall Special (a spicy variation of chile over rice)

What a day. Dropped Karal of at Pam's by 7:15, picked up Pam at the car dealership, worked from 8 a.m. until 4, came home to cook dinner (and run to the grocery)(plus pick up Karal), then cooked until 6:30 so we could feast and welcome Delaney onto Mt. Pleasant. I'm not sure I am ready to handle Abu and Lossine together, but now I'm wondering how she'll handle all of us! Actually, I think I have a team-player in Delaney to fight them both off. 

The food was delicious. Usually it needs to sit overnight to soak in all the flavors, but it was spot on during night one. I love the happiness it makes for others: beans, steak, shrimp, onions, peppers, tomatoes, and many spices. Abu make corn and the garlic bread to soak it all up is superb.

It was a fantastic last day of Week 3 of the Literacy Labs and I'm not sure if I kept up to the programs standards, but teaching this week was a good reminder of all the energy it takes to run a day with kids. the planning for each day is just as long as each day. I will alway admire teachers for all they do. Yes, academics work, but it is nowhere near the labor of K-12 faculty. It's a much more brain-heavy, spastic, and time-oriented act...emptying the ocean with a spoon. 

Today, though, we hope to get a beach day, even if it is supposed to cloud over for most of it. I haven't had a single day on the Sound and it is usually and summer ritual. We'll kayak, paddle board, and probably swim, even if it is an overcast day. I'll let them call the shots in the morning.

I'm so thankful for Allison and John Fallon for their hard work with the two-week novel-writing program, as well as Emily Diggs. They are superb educators who had zero incidences with over 72 kids. It is remarkable to see them do what they do. 

I am also thankful to Abu, Jalen, and Max who seriously stepped up this week to assist the Little Labs (after Stefania's mentorship). I'm not sure 4 male, literacy minded teachers were what parents expected. It was hard, whacky work, but we managed....our incidences were many (the energy is insane), but nothing that cause too much stress. Just many naps.

 Okay, I'm off to plan the day with the boys and new lady many dynamics to figure out with Delaney in the mix (and being able to team-up with)

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