Tuesday, July 30, 2024

They Call Us Writers - Thrilled to Once Again Feature YA Texts to Enhance Literacy Skills with 36 English Language Learners at Fairfield University

We learned early on, via the incredible Kwame Alexander, that poetic verse is a phenomenal way to go with students learning English as their additional language. Our goal is to build confidence with reading, writing, speaking, and being good to one another. We recognize how important their leadership is when they return to school after summer, but also how much we should invest in confidence. We found the perfect books from David Bowles. They Call Me GuĂ«ro is superb for the needs we have this summer.

Yesterday, we split the kids amongst the young adult literacy leaders (kids in college) and they had small reading groups around campus. I'm proud to say they made it to page 30 in a little over 45 minutes. They discussed each poem, too, and took a jab at reading fluency. The support was there and from what I could tell, there was 100% investment.

I said to William and Jessica, it would simply be wonderful to be financed to begin our own school - one that cares and guides kids towards a better tomorrow...one that celebrates diversity and global realities, teaching critical thinking, the arts, and the power of words. We'd simply love to make safe spaces available to the kids 180 days a year, but we also know the power of mixing zip codes and bringing young people into conversation with each other.

I need to recreate my own Brown School. It is the only solution. And just like that, it is Tuesday, I'm on for today, and I need to drive to campus. 

We're getting there one day at a time. I wish others had the opportunity to witness the magic of what is accomplished in our programs during the summer. It makes me proud. I have the best teachers who recruit the most amazing kids.

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