Wednesday, July 24, 2024

And When We Aren't Thrilled By the Reality of Everyday Pictures We Go Into Snapchat Animation World Where A Cartoon Self is a Better Option

I was playing too much during and after the college essay workshop. Ah, but at lunch, Kim and I did a selfie and I was super happy (and I said, "Whoa, you are totally Alanis Morisette"). We were talking about generations of kids and how the way you wear socks can be a total social identifier. Um, I am just totally uncool and I'm okay with that.

I've been working with college essays since 1995 and where we are almost 30 years later still doing the genre. It's a fun one, as it is (for many kids) one of the first times that audience awareness and purpose come together - the writing makes a difference in the whole package.

We have 20 kids this week and they are spectacular and super diverse. So many possibilities for what they write, and we have Ubuntu Academy with 30 students who have just makes for interesting conversations and perspectives.

Ah, have you seen Waking Life? I think I'm living it. Funny, too, because my students of yesteryear were like, "Why are you showing us this? People don't think this way?"

And then they went to college.

What is the life of living aware and with questions? Critical thinking? Possibilities?

That is what we try to accomplish with our programs at CWP-Fairfield, but we do it with writers and that is the vision of the work. Do the world as you.

And today is hump-day, where we need to transition the writing towards publication, which is a little lofty for some of our kids. But the world operates to some fundamental laws, and I'm here to offer technological arrangements of the world.

We're here to make meaning for this temporary location in space while we have it (while we're fortunate to have it). 

This is what makes it all worth while. 

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