Sunday, July 7, 2024

And After Four Years, Three Months, and a Day, Crandall Finally Put Pictures in the Frame He (Once Upon a Time) Got on Clearance

I found this frame several years ago and said to myself, "Oh, those are the colors I want for Mt. Pleasant...a little sandy and an ocean sky." Of course, I've moved that frame to just about every room in the house still in its packaging only because I never got around to figuring out what I want to do. I've only painted two walls...the accent wall in my living room and the hallway upstairs. Of course, Chitunga painted his room (impatiently), but it is painted. I have an idea of what I want to do but I need someone like Cynde to visit to convince me I'm right. 

Anyway, yesterday in the readying for Abu, Dave, Kris, and Ishy's arrival, I threw away six pillows and bought six more, then printed out photos for the frame which I planned to hang upstairs, but it looked good in the living room so there it shall sit for a while

The Sealey-Wooleys are only in town for one night, as they had to drop Isaiah off in Hartford to do an internship with Blumenthal. Dave will be returning in a couple of weeks to lead the Who Do You Think You Are? literacy lab with Kim Herzog. I'm excited the two of them will be working together again.

It was steamy yesterday....pea-soup, thick air. Did get a walk in but it was miserable. Actually, that is not true. It felt good and I'm glad I got moving. I was just drenched afterwards

As for this morning, I have to figure out if I'll cook for tonight or's supposed to be another ten degrees warmer this afternoon than it was yesterday. Phew. 

But all the beds were made fresh and that is always a good feeling. Nothing like bringing in guests to think a little harder about home life. I also have the twin set up in the dining room so everyone can be accommodated. Mt. Pleasant loves the summer guest!

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