Monday, July 15, 2024

@AbuBility Likes the Hulk-Mobile So Much, He Done Found a Pair of Green Pants to Match (and Hoodie...not seen here). Chameleons of CWP-Fairfield

2nd week of literacy labs. Great day of Euro and COPA soccer. Thankful to Bev & Leo for hosting, Papa's for making the pizza, and the pool entertaining Abu, Leo, Ethan, and Stephanie. Did a last-minute run to Big Y to get items for Little Lab, and we're teaching 6 hours each day this week (leadership means you step up when a teacher had to step out). 

Yesterday was a beautiful day for outdoor recreation, although we spent much of it indoors watching t.v. - but Karal did get a walk in before it all started.

And I was smart about crock-potting chicken so we'd have it for pulled sandwiches this week, when we don't feel like cooking after work.

Four more weeks of summer programs to go...three more with kids and one more with teachers. I'm most definitely feeling Monday more than usual this morning.

Ah, but now to hit I-95 to see how it will ebb and flow this week.

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