Tuesday, July 16, 2024

It Was Monster Marshmallow Monday Yesterday and the Little Labbers Excelled with Imaginations and Storytelling

Week three, the 2nd week of Little Labs, arrived with a new crew of kids and a cancellation of a lead teacher. Who arrived to save the day? Frog! The pond always at his side. For a week, Abu, Max, Jalen, and I will tag team good lessons to get the kids towards publication in POW! It's fun, accept when I'm summoned to the other literacy labs and teacher institutes. Being in multiple locations at once is maddening (and quite truthfully, impossible). 

It's probably why I needed the 8 pm nightly walk to sweat out some of the anxiety. The storms went north of here and I was drenched with sweat. This humidity is unbearable. And we have two more days of it.

Today, we're joining forces with an undergraduate Bellarmine theater class who is sharing the space with us in DSB. I look forward to doing this because I've come to love seeing the diversity on campus. It makes everything so much better. 

Ah, and to make Marshmallow Monsters on Monday, it's best to use fruit for parts and spaghetti strands as the stick to poke into the monster, holding all the goods together.

Okay, Time to take off for another round of lessons. I'll be working with almost 90 K-13 students today and several teachers. Hope they all plan to stay indoors more this time around. Yesterday's monster mash was a little too warm. Phew.

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