Tuesday, April 16, 2024

Day 16 with the Wooley Dave Himself. #VerseLove '24, a Kwansaba (or the 7 Lines, 7 Words per Line, Words with 7 or Less Letters)

Phew. Had a really productive day and then go home to emails that pretty much destroyed the day. I can only shrug my shoulders to say, "I can't do it all." Yup. Students and faculty across campus are starting to realize that there's no way a School can stay a school with no faculty and no support. Well, I've been saying that for a decade, but here we are down even more faculty. It's out of my hands.

In the meantime, I loved Dave Wooley's Kwansaba challenge, as it was just the right conciseness for the day I had. 7 lines, 7 words per line, and no more than 7 letters per word. I took liberty to write the celebratory poem about their backyard, especially the tree they planted for Eli, lil' Superman, a young soul that only had a few days on this Earth. We've had too many times spent in that backyard (or my backyard) playing games and feeding each other. It seemed the perfect subject (and as Dave noted, "the kids weren't swatting actual birds...they play badminton," but I have liberty to poet as I will.

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