Thursday, November 21, 2024

Made it to Boston Safely & Looking Forward to Two Presentations on Day One. I Tell You What? Amtrak is So Much Better than Air Travel

I love a moving office. The idea that I left at 3:45 and arrived at 6:30 without realizing any time went by because I had my laptop, a comfortable seat, good Wi-Fi, and great audio book, and a seat to myself was marvelous. In fact, we arrived early and when they called the stop I almost didn't get up...that is, until they cleared the train. It was a quick romp to the hotel (Cab - $30, Uber - $7)...the kids came behind me and they Uber'd so I learned). I received a call from my friend Brendan McGrath who lives in Boston, so we met up for dinner at Committee in Seaport. It was a chilly night, but wonderful walk -- and who does love their shrimped served the heads, eyes, and antennae still in tack? 

Brendan and I met in 2005 at the Breadloaf School of English in Middlebury, Vermont. He was teaching in Alaska and I was teaching in Kentucky. We bonded in a class taught by Michael Armstrong and worked on a project together. We laughed, too, because we wrote letters to keep in email or text messaging. We've seen each other from time to time at conferences, and see one another on Facebook. He married, had two kids, and is leaving literacy coaching to become an elementary school principal (hopefully by this time next year). 

After dinner with him, I met the kids at their hotel (which was near the restaurant), paid for their room, then returned to my artsy-fartsy mod space across from the Convention Center...No, I didn't know it when I got it. I just knew I needed a room...and awaited King's arrival at midnight. 

I carried many heavy items to hand out, so my back is a little sore. Well, by heavy items I mean books...lot of them. We'll see how long it takes to get rid of them all.

Right now, however, I need to find coffee...and a bagel. It will be a long day. 

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