Monday, November 18, 2024

Got My Hairs Cut to Ready Myself for @NCTE #NCTE24 This Week. Been Grading Like a Madman so I Can Be Fully Present When It Begins Thursday

After Nikki's wedding, I quickly got on my barber's calendar for November, knowing I'd need a fresh cut before NCTE. It's been a marathon arranging for presentations, keeping up with classes, and arranging the return when Thanksgiving begins. Not sure I have all the parts in place, but I am trying to pretend I do. That's why I snapped a photo of my haircut as I was leaving. 

I have such a pin head, just like Juliette Catherine Alanis Madonna Potatohead Houdini Scrappy Doo Olivia Dennis used to have (that was my first dog). 

I still need to trim the eyebrows. I'm getting the Crandall caterpillars with tremendously long hairs that grow overnight. It's so weird. 

It was a beautiful day yesterday, so I cooked on the grill so I had food before I depart and also got a wonderful hike in. For the most part, I graded from 8 a.m. until 10 p.m. finally finishing before I went to bed. It really has been a fortunate autumn this year, and even with a frost or two, the flowers are still finding away to bloom...even neighborhood roses. 

This morning, I have to get laundry in, pick up my sports coats from the dry cleaners, and find something red to wear for a special event in Boston. I'm also biting my teeth that all the transportation and accommodations are good to go, as it's not just me but an entourage of CWP folks attending. I imagine Wednesday night my phone will be blowing up that people arrive to the hotels and I'm told, "They don't have a reservation." 

Now I know they have one, but these are things Directors worry about. 

That and eyebrow hairs which I should be trimming in 3...2...1

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