Friday, November 1, 2024

150 Wind-Up Toys, 90 Bags of Fruit Gummies, & 100+ Books. Phew. My Street Gets Hit Hard (and I Love The Kids Excited for Reading)

At the last minute I bought the Fruit Gummies just in case I'd need them. I needed them (and I'm conservative with my handouts. 1 per kid, unless they wanted a book and they could take as many as they liked). 

This year, too, I pulled all the spooky books to the side so the kids who wanted a more tense read could have them (yes, many grade levels represented, but I was lower with the early elementary texts this year - they went fast). 

I'm not sure how productive my Halloween day was, but I did submit a report, conference with several students, and eventually took a shower before the trick or treat madness. The crazy thing is that not all the kids come to my house because I'm on a street with so much moving traffic dropping kids off.

At 7:42 I was out of materials and, up and down the street the lights began to turn off. 

I am sort of like, "Schucks!" because I planned on bringing left over wind-up toys to students and colleagues. Nope...all gone but the one creeping hand which Pam wanted me to put aside for her (probably for her book club party in honor of the diddle-doos).

Love that so many families go with themes to match the outfits of the little ones walking up the driveway. Hilarious how much wine and beer could be smelled from their cups!

Alright, Friday. Back to regularly scheduled programs. This is also the first year I didn't have a costume...I actually did, and totally forgot about the party. I never went! I'm blaming it on the middle-aged, academic brain I live with.

Hello, November 1. Unbelievable. I can finally turn on the heat and it's in the 80s!

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