Friday, November 15, 2024

I Finally Put a Month's Worth of Laundry Away. I Probably Wouldn't Be So Bad If I Got Rid of a Few Baskets

I think my problem is that I know I have four baskets, so I simply pile the laundry into them into the laundry room, until I realize, "Crandall, you have a problem." It's sad, but I see such rituals as a waste of time getting in the way of all the other things needing to get done (mostly mind-oriented, finger tapping stuff of the keyboard. The laundry can wait.

Ah, but it's all put away, and I was dog-sitting Jake, so I had to mongrels insisting that lying on huge piles on the bed was a game that involved them (Karal especially thinks playing with the dryer balls and socks is extra-funny). 

Also funny, was the competition of both dogs lying on top of me while I tried to work. That's over 100 pounds of fur thinking they possess I belong to them.

I do...well, I did for the day.

Next week, a CWP-Fairfield crew and I head to Boston for NCTE and I spend most of yesterday getting the presentations together. I know we're only supposed to have one presentation, but somehow each year I end up being placed on many. My intention is to uphold the greatness of the teachers and students I work with, but still the National Writing Project remains at the epicenter of the conference season. We tend to congregate together and find spaces for one another in our sessions. 

Now it's time to factor in travel, making sure everything is packed, and that all are able to get onto Amtrak and into their hotel rooms. We don't leave until next Wednesday, but the preparation actually begins in January as everyone scrambles to get a proposal or two in. It isn't until summer you find out so many others put you on their panels/round tables, too. It's all good. It keeps me honest (sadly, not young). 

But now it's a Friday and I really need to grade, so that's what I'm going off-line to do for a while. Then comes the weekend which is typically more of the same. 

30 degrees last night. Yes, I'm becoming the Weather Channel because I'm feeling the temperatures drop in my bones. 

Ah, Kathy Silver. At least my dog and I weren't skunked this week. That would add a bonus I don't think I'd want right now.

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