Saturday, December 28, 2024

The Celebrations Went Fast, But Now It Is Time To Leave...Another Year Ahead of Us for Love & Hope, I Believe

I came home early this year in order to catch mom's birthday and to stay to say the same to Cynderballz (which is today). There's a book I need to listen to, and a house I should check on (of course, there's the mail, too). I hope traffic will be easy on me, as coming to Syracuse was smooth sailing.

Karal, I believe, will miss the routine...she has snack time, nap time, play time, and outdoor time all arranged with all of us wrapped around her paws. Of course, if she even thinks we're returning, you'll run to the door...she likes her Connecticut patterns, as well. 

I will be leaving Amalfi Drive with loaves of bread, orange chicken, tubs of sherbet, cookies in the freezer, new stock of detergent & colas, as well as organized frames for the grands on my mom's hutch.

Cynde is invited over for an omelette in the a.m. if she'd like a birthday breakfast, but I've yet to make a good omelette. I will try (and I imagine she doesn't like mushrooms now that I think of it).

I won't be hitting snow in my travels, either. That's another blessing.

It's just a matter of moments before mom will asks, "So what are you going to forget this time?" I guess after 34 years of Bryan-departures, the probability of me heaving items behind would be high. That's actually a conversation Chitunga and I had while at the Freight Yard home is always where the heart it....and he has it in Connecticut, in Syracuse, and in he shares those spaces with me....

...he doesn't share Roskide, Denmark, however, and I miss all those times there...then again, I'm not quite able to share Des Moines...not just yet.

Here's to the road...and Happy Birthday, Cynderballz!

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