Tuesday, December 10, 2024

It's Always Wonderful to Receive an Unexpected Gift in the Mail, Especially When It is a Hand-Crafted One from an Author Friend

It's was a pretty groggy day, and not knowing it was going to be I lucked out by taking Karal for a long walk early in the morning. An hour later the outside world was awash. I, however, used it advantageously by writing, grading, working, planning, and even catching Whetne walking Sai before the rain...I had Ezra Jack Keat's The Snowy Day with a stuffed animal for their Christmas. I've had it since I bought it last year...glad I caught them during the dry part of the day. Such a happy 1-year old. 

The mail truck arrived after it turned dark and I felt horrible for him having to slosh in this wetness, but when I retrieved the goods for the day I was happy to see a small envelope from Ann E. Burg. It was a tiny box, and when I opened it there was a note that said, "I made Otis while taking a vacation at the beach." Actually it was this she made, not Otis, but I named the ornament Otis, nonetheless...a hand-crafted sea shell painted to look like the beach. It's wonderful and I quickly added it to my tree with joy and purpose. Nothing like a new ornament - a personalized one at that.

Today is going to be a long one. Although I don't have to teach at night, I have professional development and meetings all day long (which will sadden Karal who has been attached at my hip since Chitunga left. In fact, she's wrapped around my body as I write this morning, sleeping on me as if I'm her human pillow. I'm not sure if she has a cold, is depressed, ate something weird, or is just being her usual needy self, but she has not allowed me any space for days. Whenever she thinks I might leave her she shakes. It's sad.

As for the great dinner Sunday night (and Saturday for that matter), last night was microwaved chicken tenders and a slice of Naan. That's the problem with cooking...when there's no leftovers you have to start from scratch and I didn't feel like taking the time to prepare another meal. I took the shortcut and when with way to easy (and gross, actually). 

Time to get my focus on and prep for way too people-y meetings. The older I get, the more I hate putting on the performance. I get so much more done when working alone and weaving my world.

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