Monday, December 23, 2024

Spicy Stewed Chicken, Chocolate Glazed Raspberry Home-Made Sherbet, Kanyea, Courtney, and a Lil' Malia Celine Sunshine for the Evening

Santa's gonna love on Malia-nugget, and my curiosity will rise to see how fast this lil' creature will take on every word she can possibly handle. 1.5 years old and a chatty human who wants to know and learn everything. Pure joy. And the two most important people in her world: her mommy and daddy. I'm amazed by how much she grew since summer. And that laughter and happiness is contagious. 

Ah, masted that stewed chicken, but my stomach does not do well with the spices...but can I stop eating? Absolutely not. I licked my bowl and asked for 2nds and 3rds. So good. But the GERD and heart burn. 

I have today to heal. And Trader Joe's was still open. And I got my Danish Kringle for coffee in the morning. I am thankful. 

So now it is time to get Christmas-read. Sad to see Louisville lose the championship game of the NCAA tournament, but they should hold dither heads high...they fought incredibly hard this seasons. My heart breaks for Anna DeBeers, as I've been watching her rise to stardom for several years. It will be hard not to see her on the court next year. What a champion. 

Temperatures should be balmy today...heading back to the 20s after a day where it began at 2 degrees. And  it might even hit 30. I'll be wearing shorts.

Now, to bake the ham today to scent the air, or wait for Christmas Eve to tease the stomachs.

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