Sunday, December 8, 2024

Day One of Grading? Rewarded with a Meat Tower, Homemade Gyros on a Very, Very Cold Day. I Love Being Fed.

I just want to be done already, but I have a week of materials straggling in. I'm caught up for now, but am ready to rid intellectual responsibilities to zone out for a while. I've been binge reading YA novels from Boston, walking the dog, and looking at recipes to try.

Pam took a break from watching White Lotus and she said she had towered her chicken castle and if I wanted to chop up cucumbers, onions, and shallots, I could eat, too. So, I ate.

I also learned that a neighbor lost his wife. They have two little girls and I've been watching her fight cancer for over a year: walking, jogging, getting fresh air. When they didn't come by for Halloween, I was curious. Another neighbor was outside, so I bravely asked, "Is she okay?" I learned she passed away this summer. It's shocking. So young...two little girls. It makes sense now why the grandparents are always out back grilling and helping out. I just guessed she was still ill. Bless that family.

Now, it's another Sunday. I have chicken thawed and it's my turn to cook. I bought all the ingredients yesterday and this morning I'll see what I can do...a brie, creamy chicken and mushroom soup. We shall see. And somehow a Lifetime Holiday special played as I was working today. WTH are those season shows. The cheese is likelier cheesier than today's soup. 

They're just so dumb.

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