Sunday, December 22, 2024

1828 - Euclid Hotel in Clay, New York. 2024 - Chitunga, Alyssa, and I Have Dinner There. Pretty Remarkable Landmark, Actually

Tunga, Lys, and I went to Freight Yard to get a craft beer, then ended up down the street at the Euclid Hotel. I drove by that place every day in high school, to and from work, and never paid any attention to its age or history. That's a pretty amazing lifespan, actually...pushing almost 200 years. That's almost unheard of, actually. The food? Well, about what I'd expect from an almost 200 year old restaurant, but I'm glad we went (the beers at Freight Yard were wonderful)

And bringing home an open face, hot turkey sandwich to the parental units was a hit, too. Not bad for a 7 p.m. brought to your lap treat.

The snow fell lightly all day and it was beautiful (even if it is very cold). Karal and I got 3.2 miles in, and that is always a better day (even if we had to bundle up). Looking like we'll have a white Christmas, which is always nice, although today I'm thinking only black and red cardinal colors. It's been a wonderful NCAA volleyball tournament and I'm happy for alma mater making it to the final match...and in the hometown of Louisville. Wish I was there in person to see the games, but something tells me I'm better off watching a television screen in upstate New York.

And a special thank you to Nikki Isgar who brought a tray of cookies to Mimi's which included Magic Layer Bars (which have greatly been missing from my mother's freezer)(especially before the actual holiday events). 

On the way home from Euclid, I recalled how I paid for college by earning commission at Sibley's up the road at Great Northern Mall. Insane that I made the money I did then, but also that those stores and that world no longer exist.

1828 Clay. 1990 Clay. 2024 Clay. Nope. Nothing sits still.

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