Tuesday, December 3, 2024

Last Night with the Eagle in the Nest. He Left the Lillypad this Morning After a Great Week of Doing As We Have Always Done

I know Teddy Mascari was wondering when it gets easier to see them leave again. His kids are juniors in college and I'm thinking, snap, the boys are in the last years of their 20s and also in the early 30s. I hate when anyone leaves me, because I'm used to doing my leaving myself. It's never easy. That's the point...and every time there's a return, the conversation grows denser. Why? Because life will life us all - it's always complicated and tricky. 

With that noted, I loved having Chitunga back home this past week because nothing brings me happiness quite like when he finds something funny and chooses to share his laugh and a smile. We also had Alyssa with us this time, which brought additional joy. Tunga can be a workaholic like me, but I also love seeing (and bearing witness) to the gentler side he shares with Alyssa - she balances him out nicely...makes him more real.

This morning, I have to drive the 42 miles to Laguardia to drop him off at the airport (it should be an hour drive, but with morning traffic it can be 2 to 3 hours). That's NYC for ya.

We went to dinner last night. He went to the gym and I walked to the green to meet him. The first restaurant had its oven down so we ended up at Paradise Pizza, which is also a favorite. We sat at the bar like old times. We talked growing up, accomplishments, the importance of family, distance, and work/life balance (which I've always failed at, so am not a good role model for him). And accounting is more intense than academia with its spreadsheet demands.

Karal will be rather distraught once again, especially when we take off without her. She loves her big brother and she gives him little room for alone time. She's obsessed with being at his side. 

I will return from Laguardia once again facing Mt. Pleasant in the solo-artist mode. When there's life in this house, there's much of it...but when it disappears, it really disappears. My kitchen sink will miss all the dishes and my floors will miss tripping over the shoe collection. We've been here before and we'll be here again. 

Here's to safe travels, though. As I told him last night, "We're not supposed to know what comes next...that's the importance of adventure." 

But I sure to love having him home, in his bed, while it lasts. Just a matter of time before I'm all gray. Phew.

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