Tuesday, October 15, 2024

#WriteOut2024 - Day Two. I Went with Sunset/Sunrises & Remembered an Evening Last May While Walking Towards the Setting Sun

Time is meant to be cherished, especially when you connect with a friend, soul to soul, all because of a memoir he once wrote and the coincidence that sometimes come your way. I am 100% appreciative of Ger Duany and I cherish the friendship, dialogue, problem-solving, and possibilities for a better world. He's off shooting another film and giving papa time to the Universe, himself. Here's to all he brings the world.

May Be The Sun Set, Too 

(with Ger 05/23/24)


we built a fire that night, talking,

remaking ourselves a thousand times over 

within the coincidences & good lies 

that wove these stories together…

i can hear Emmanuel singing now,

our scars are what got us this far.

that night, we walked towards a setting sun,

one worth a million cows, perhaps,

& there were no escalators to lift us up,

just the tide lapping fragility of time.

     Kueth once shot hoops in the Dome,

     Duany badgered cheese in Wisconsin,

& you heard these sounds along this shore.

violence remains a strange monster

cutting into a soul with vivid memories

that need healing, belonging, surviving, 

psychologically striving, & praying

towards each sun while it rises, thriving.

for the journey, the way of way,

in hopes for a better tomorrow.

we remain hybrids of ourselves

within those loops of adolescence -

     the trauma can’t be escaped.

two men walking along childhood, 

manhood, & adulthood,

trying to earn a place in this universe.


focused on the positive -

& an ultimate life still left to be lived.

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